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Since 1916 - Education with conviction

Formed at the time because of a need for a better distribution of available education in the region, more highly educated people, and the cultural emancipation of Catholics, the Association has contributed to the social and economic development of North Brabant. On 5 September 1916, the current Mollerlyceum in Bergen op Zoom opened its doors, followed on 6 September by the current Dr. Mollercollege in Waalwijk. At the time, a total of around 50 students were taught from a residential home. From 1919, the Association consisted of nine schools in the larger municipalities. From 1945, schools were added in rural communities and the objectives became more socially cultural in character. What was important at the time was that children could go to school near their home, regardless of their social background, and taking into account their particular talents. Since 1994, innovation and professionalisation were central. During this period, the HAVO (senior general secondary education) and VWO (pre-university education) programmes were extended to include VMBO (pre-vocational secondary education) and later also practical education.  


Currently, over 61,000 students are being taught at 68 OMO-affiliated schools. The association employs over 6,800 employees. The strength of the Association is reflected in the unique characteristics of our schools and the possibilities for knowledge sharing, innovation and capitalising on economies of scale. Although good education is the result of many factors, the most decisive of these is having a good teacher. The diversity within our association enhances the professionalism of our teachers. Furthermore, while our schools have become stronger by joining forces, they remain small scale and locally situated, which benefits our students. 

...and later 

In the coming years, our focus will increasingly be on helping our students develop in a rapidly changing society, in which technological innovation and globalisation are central. Moreover, we will be focusing on much more than cognitive skills alone. We develop the talents of each individual student against the backdrop of three basic ethical concepts that reflect our identity: good education, being a good person, and living a good life. Thus, we provide our students with a good launchpad for further education and prepare them for entering into society as self-confident, responsible world citizens. 

Our current objectives are contained in the document Roadmap 2023.